28 Things I learned by 28

Sudarshan G.S
2 min readJul 4, 2021
  1. Health is the greatest wealth : take good care of your health and fitness. You’ll save a lot of time, energy and money. Not to mention be happy and have better focus.
  2. Work hard. But not so hard that you’ll damage your health. It’s backwards.
  3. Starting and running a business isn’t easy. Neither is it impossible.
  4. What you do for a living must be something you’d still do if you had all the money you ever wanted, or if money was not a concern, without loss of enthusiasm. If you’re not there yet, work towards it.
  5. You attract what you focus on. Don’t focus on lack, rather focus on abundance and you’ll receive it.
  6. Your beliefs create your reality. Change your beliefs by affirmation and visualization to change your reality.
  7. Read. Everyday.
  8. Meditate.
  9. Believe that you already possess that which you want the most.
  10. Deep gratitude. For what you have and what you’re about to have.
  11. Society has a plan for you from the day you’re born. The plan has to do with their beliefs, goals and ambition and not yours.
  12. People don’t want to see you get ahead if they don’t benefit as a result (from #11)
  13. Do good and it will come back to you, but don’t expect it
  14. Never give up.
  15. Take full responsibility for your life.
  16. Learn from mistakes and move forward with the lesson. Don’t hold onto resentment.
  17. Never explain, never complain.
  18. You see who the real ones are when you’re going through tough times
  19. Never stop learning
  20. Stoicism. Focus on what you can control.
  21. Have a “Definite Chief Aim” written on a paper and on a card which you can look at multiple times a day. Receive it with gratitude and a belief that it is already a reality for you.
  22. Forgive but never forget
  23. Travel often. It makes you learn and grow like nothing else.
  24. Peoples’ opinion about you is just that. An opinion. Not necessarily a reality. See them for what they are.
  25. People don’t always like to hear the truth. Be careful about what you say.
  26. A person you trusted for decades could betray you. A stranger you just met could save your life. Time only reveals the truth about people.
  27. Focus on yourself and on financial freedom. Formal education and the corporate ladder is set up for the benefit of society.
  28. Trust in a higher power and offer prayers. Whether you call it God, the Universe or ether is up to you. We exist in a living cosmos that science is just starting to come to terms with.

